Saturday, February 8, 2025

Spremili smo za Vas veoma ukusne, domaće štrudle, sa makom, orasima i sirom

Štrudla sa makom, orasima, sirom – Strudel with poppy seed, nuts, cheese.

Spremili smo za Vas veoma ukusne, domaće štrudle, sa makom, orasima i sirom / Strudel with poppy seed, nuts, cheese.

Sastojci / Ingredients:

Testo / Dough:
– 600g brašna / 600g flour
– 150g margarina / 150g margarine
– 100g masti / 100g cooking fat
– 1,5dl mleka / 1,5dl milk
– 1 vrhom kašika šećera / 1 spoon of sugar
– 1/2 kvasca / 1/2 yeast
– 2 jaja / 2 eggs
– malo soli / some salt
– za premazivanje 2 jaja / for coating 2 eggs

Za nadev od maka / For poppy seed stuffing:
– 200g mlevenog maka / 200g ground poppy seed
-150g šećera / 150g sugar
-1,5dl mleka / 1,5dl mleko
– malo cimeta (umesto cimeta, može malo rendane kore od limuna, 1 kašika pekmeza od kajsija i 50g suvog grožđa) / some cinnamon (instead of cinnamom you can use rendered lemon peel, 1 spoon with apricot jam and 50g raisins)

Za nadev od oraha / For nut stuffing:
– 200 g mlevenih oraha / 200g ground walnuts
– 150g šećera / 150g sugar
– 1,5dl mleka / 1,5dl milk
– malo cimeta (umesto cimeta, može malo rendane kore od limuna, 50g suvog grožđa) / some cinnamon (instead of cinnamom you can use rendered lemon peel and 50g raisins)

Za nadev od sira sa mirođijom / For cheese and dill stuffing:
– 200g neslanog sira / 200g unsalted cheese
– 200g šećera / 200g sugar
– 2 jaja / 2 eggs
– 3 kašike griza / 3 semolina spoon
– malo sušene ili sveže mirođije / some dried or tied up dill

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Izvor: Bebina kuhinja

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