Saturday, February 22, 2025

Kuglice sa karamelom i lešnicima

izvor:Bebina kuhinja

Kuglice sa karamelom i lešnicima iz Bebine kuhinje.
Caramel hazelnut balls recipe from Bebaas kitchen.

Sastojci / Ingredients:
– 200g mlečnih karamel bonbona / 200g caramel bonbons
– 200g mlevenog keksa / 200g ground biscuit
– 100g mlevenih pečenih lešnika / 100g roasted and ground hazelnuts
– 100g maslaca / 100g butter
– 125ml mleka / 125ml milk

Glazura / For glaze:
– 150g čokolade za kuvanje + 6 kašika ulja / 150g cooking chocolate + 6 spoon of cooking oil
– 150g bele čokolade + 6 kašika ulja + 150g white chocolate + 6 spoon of cooking oil

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